28 May 2014

Beast in Human

Beast in Human

A question roaming in my mind
This life is beautiful, yet
Some unsolved questions
For which my heart couldn't find

Beautiful world has lovely parts
Each of them is hatred crafts
Jealousy is their soul
Love is nothing; it plays none of the role

Human nature made for love
But they only make wild and foe
Still alive living this life
Saying honestly, I don’t wanna live anymore

People are busy worshiping god
Ruining this earth and spreading malice
Weaving web of inhumanity
Laughing on their own vanity.

Tiny Aperture

Tiny Aperture

Aperture small I saw shine,
It was inside the boat of mine.
Was ignoring that small one,
Thought it powerless and none.

Impolite behavior I didn’t realized,
Power of aperture capitalized on-
Thought I am the only who can won
Arrogant nature made me to make its fun.

Was ignoring the things of factual,
Not using my own intellectuals
‘Might is right’, I learnt only this “phrase”
I lost my life’s precious race.

Taught me life a wonderful lesson
Don’t miscalculate the “small one,”
Life is teaching rest nothing and none

A minute Aperture is behind my life’s lesson.

Search for Happiness

Search for Happiness

A Day when I thought of you,
My dreams were upon the dew.

Reality of my life I realized,
Jiffy a jiffy my happiness minimized.

How harsh my life you made,
Life is not worthy well said.

                                                   Dews get melt in the lake,
I cried oh god!! My pain please you take.

God replied, “I already took your all pain
Yet, you never smiled anything you gained.

I created for you lot of crafts,
You never understood the worth of Arts.
Humans desire flora in each & every pace,
Pain of thorns they don’t want to face.

Life is as simple as u make,
Cake doesn’t give taste when it’s unbaked.
So learn from life and enjoy its taste,
It is wonderful mixture of sorrow and pleasure

So go and spread happiness on the earth.”

A Dream

                                         A  Dream

A Dream of Land, a dream of mine,
My motherland is wonderful, it should shine.

I have a dream upon my eyes,
Children of my nation should be wise.

Soil of my nation, reminds me lot of creation,
In ‘LOVE’ my Nation is beyond one’s imagination.

A nation has stunning parts,
Himalaya is my bodyguard.

Love of Ganga made me pampered,
Yet, I am thirsty for her milk.

I received thousands types of jewels,
A man called Farmer is the owner of my land.

Forts of my land make me boasty,
Zeal of winter nights too frosty.

I see love in petty -petty things,
A dreamy Dance of Peahen and sky having fairy wings.

Here the Nature’s collection is only a dream
Beyond one’s imagination it does seem…