28 May 2014

Search for Happiness

Search for Happiness

A Day when I thought of you,
My dreams were upon the dew.

Reality of my life I realized,
Jiffy a jiffy my happiness minimized.

How harsh my life you made,
Life is not worthy well said.

                                                   Dews get melt in the lake,
I cried oh god!! My pain please you take.

God replied, “I already took your all pain
Yet, you never smiled anything you gained.

I created for you lot of crafts,
You never understood the worth of Arts.
Humans desire flora in each & every pace,
Pain of thorns they don’t want to face.

Life is as simple as u make,
Cake doesn’t give taste when it’s unbaked.
So learn from life and enjoy its taste,
It is wonderful mixture of sorrow and pleasure

So go and spread happiness on the earth.”


Please do comment if my words reach to your heart.. Alternatively you can provide suggestions too... You are most welcome!!