9 Jun 2016

I was Loving you not Using you.....!!

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We care for others point of view so much that sometimes we ignore our own thinking. Why does it happen? May be because we want to prove others that we aren’t wrong but have we ever thought why are we proving? Instead of having long discussions on WhatsApp groups or FB messenger why can’t we just let it go?? May be just because we want to show others that how good human beings we are!!

Life is so strange. Sometimes you fall in love and everything looks so beautiful. We give numerous perpetual future promises for some non existing events. And unexpectedly after few years you feel out of love and everything looks so stupid and consequentially people break their love relations and everything looks so ugly. Some people feel to commit suicide due to failure of love life that I always have found more worst than love failure.

Why can’t we be happy when we take/give breakups?? Can love be successful only when both the parties are involved? No, it is not necessary. We can be happy even after our breakups. Break up is nothing just a process that slowly removes the layer of blindness from your eyes.

And in this journey of breakups and patch-ups we become the time pass conversation for some other third person. Why can’t we follow the policy of confidentiality even after our breakups??

We misinterpret everything in our life. Likeness looks love, love looks likeness and this is how life turns into a mess. We always misinterpret love. Love isn’t about giving pain to your partner; love isn’t about giving inferior feelings to your partner; love isn’t about being rude to your partner; Love isn’t about hating when you are no more together.

Love was never boastful and it cannot be as it has believed only in giving. It is sad to see some people use the words like “he/she used me” and sometimes they hate that person because he/she left them. If your love dies when that person leaves you then sorry it wasn’t love only. I do not mean to say that go for one sided love but I mean to say instead of showing hatred, anger and using rustic words about your partner why can’t you just accept it the way you had accepted them when they used to love you??.  

When both the partners love equally indeed it is the best feeling in the world that cannot be defined by anyone. Love is true when you love someone with the flow of river and losses your identity completely by diluting yourself into an ocean of love.

Does love happen once?? Well, it is always difficult to answer. I never believed in the concept of number of love as I don’t think that love happens once, twice or thrice I just believe that love happens and it can happen at any point of time.

And you should admire your love when you are still together when everyone opposed you for being together but still you stood for your love without caring for society at large and number of friends at small. Admiration gives nothing substantial but fills you with emotional strength. 

When you are in love you actually devote into each other emotionally, physically and spiritually instead of using each other. 

Respect your partner’s decision even when their decision is against your love. It’s easy to fall in love but it’s difficult to love them when they don’t love you anymore. Marriage is not a permanent solution for making your partner completely yours forever.

Sometimes love can happen at the worst situation. Nothing is wrong or right when you are in love it just happens without any reason. If there is any reason to love someone then surely it’s not love. Love is like water- pure, pious and in the end of your day it gives you contentment.    

“Love cannot be jealous, love cannot be boastful, it cannot be selfish, and it cannot be rude- A Walk to Remember”.  

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  1. I found this post to be precise, beautiful and directly from the heart. I loved it..

    1. Thank you so much Amit.. I am glad that you loved it.. :)


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